Antabio receives the BIOVISION 2016 Investor Conference Biotech Award

Antabio announced today that the company has received the BIOVISION Investment Conference 2016 Award in the biotech category. The BIOVISION Investor Conference was created to accelerate the fundraising process of Biotech, Medtech, e-health and environmental health start-ups by putting them in direct contact with potential business and development partners. Selected from a pool of applicants by a special committee, start-ups with the greatest potential to offer innovative health solutions present their pitches during the BIOVISION forum in front of a jury comprised of leading European private and corporate investors in the life sciences.

The BIOVISION 2016 price is the latest award to Antabio among a list that encompasses the Tremplin Entreprises 2015 Award (organized by the French Senate and the ESSEC business school), the “Concours Mondial de l’Innovation” Worldwide Innovation Challenge 2014, the Septuors Award 2014, and two Seeding Drug Discovery Awards from the Wellcome Trust (2013 and 2015), among other prestigious prizes.

Watch Antabio’s CEO interview further to the BioVision 2016 award to Antabio: